What is MATA?

• Aug 14, 2017 - 13:55

Third system, third bar. It's blurry, but I think it's MATA. What does it mean? How does it apply? I couldn't find this version of a popular song name online, so I don't have any examples to follow.... Thanks!

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diminuendo progressive 'to die' ?
"Dejar que el sonido muera ralentizándose" = Morendo
I'm not sure, it's a hypothesis

In reply to by judeeylander

@ judeeylander, just for the record:
The Italian forum agrees with mike320 and others;
In the Spanish forum there is this answer 'En timpani es normal el término "muta". Pero en piano nunca lo he visto.
(In timpani the term "muta" is normal. But on piano I've never seen it).

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