stacked dynamics

• Aug 29, 2017 - 00:58

The program allows a dynamic "f", "p", etc. to be entered on top of an existing dynamic. With me it happens when I copy and past measures (with dynamic) to another location (which already has a dynamic). Instead of the existing dynamic at the target location being deleted and replaced with the new pasted dynamic, the existing dynamic remains and the new one gets stacked on top.

Brings up an interesting question. For stacked dynamics which one is chosen by the program for playback?

Attachment Size
dynamics_test.mscz 10.94 KB


Which one would be chosen by a performer? It would be random. Same for MuseScore :) So don't put two dynamics on the same note except if you really intent the confusion.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I doubt a performer would choose at random. He might choose which ever in the stack he could read or make an intelligent decision about how a particular passage should be played. After playing around with Musescore a while, it seems that Musescore chooses the last dynamic that was added to the stack. If that dynamic is deleted it chooses the next last to be added and so on down the stack. Evidently Musescore keeps track of the order in which dynamics were stacked, so is not random with it's choice.

In reply to by MuseTone

What I would say is, it might happen to be that way right now, but I wouldn't depend on it. It could be that some future version of MuseScore would change that, or even with the current version you might this changes if something else about the score changes (eg, if you change the text style, or add or remove a linked part, etc). So even if there seems to be a pattern to this now, it would be best not to depend on it.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks. I read through all the previous discussion and learned of the selection filter via the F6 key. I was only aware of the select filters brought up via menus. Unchecking the dynamics box in the filter solves my problem. Careless copy and paste operations is where I was getting the stacked dynamics.

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