Bar line not highlighted, not showing up in PDF

• Sep 2, 2017 - 18:15

I did something that caused one of my repeat bar lines to fade into the background and I can't seem to get it to come back. It shows up in the background on Musescore but then doesn't appear in the PDF.
You can see what I mean at the end of line two.
Anyone know? Thanks!

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Fingerpicking_Exercises.pdf 151.92 KB


In reply to by Elena DeLisle

The barline is greyed on your score or not? Apparently it's the case since you wrote "I did something that caused one of my repeat bar lines to fade into the background"
So, if yes: select the barline -> press "V" (if it's always the default shortcut for visibility?), or tick "Visible" in Inspector (F8) -> Escape (maybe the lacking step in previous comment, edited now)

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