Shortcuts pages for efficiency

• Nov 24, 2017 - 10:13

Hi everyone,
Apologies if my English is not clear, it is not my mother language. Please ask if you need more details. :-)

I'd like to make a plugin that would allow me to create different shortcuts "pages" or "modes" and friendly switch between them. This would reproduce the vim behavior which has "insertion", "normal" modes, but suitable for music.
For example, I'd like to have modes like :
- "navigation", where pressing C moves the cursor to the left
- "note input", where pressing C enters the note C
- "articulations", where pressing C adds a staccato to the selected notes
- etc.

Do you think this can be done by a plugin? If so, I didn't find a way to alter shortcuts with a plugin in the manual, do you have any advices?
If not, I'm looking for efficient music notation and navigation throughout the score (for orchestration with a lot of instruments mainly). I'm using a bépo keyboard (french dvorak). Any idea is welcome!

I found this topic but it has been created 5 years ago



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