3 questions

• Dec 14, 2017 - 21:55

I'm really knew to this software and sheet music writing in general, so I just have a few question if anyone could answer them.

1) What are these and how do I get rid of them?

2) Why are my rests being placed at the bottom of my staff as opposed to the middle, and how do I make them go to the middle?

3) How do I put this dot next to my notes? (I forgot what they're called >_< )


1) If you mean the thing in the middle of the picture, it's a whole rest. It tells the musician to not make sound for four beats. The way to get rid of it is to place one or more notes there instead, so the musician will play sound for those four beats.

2) Rests are only supposed to be centered on the staff if your music has only one voice. Apparently your music has two voices, and thus it is normal / correct for rests to be displaced.

3) An augmentation dot is part of the duration of a note. To enter a dotted quarter, simply select the quarter note and the augmentation dot before entering the note.

In the future, it generally helps to attach your actual score and not just a picture. This may prove useful here if my answers for 1) and 2) don't seem clear or relevant - really, I'm just sort of having to guess.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Here is my score so far, I'm working off one I have that's written down. As far as the wholes go, there are notes through the whole thing (unless rests don't count) and it's in between two staves and they just get in the way. And What I'm working off of has the rests on bottom in the middle on the lower stave which is why I ask. Thanks!

In reply to by Linxial

Looks like you dragged those whole rests up from the bottom staff. To return everything to its proper place, press Ctrl+A to select all, then Ctrl+R to reset everything to the default position.

However, the reason those rests appeared in the first place is that for some reason you entered the ntoes in the bottom staff as voice 2. Don't do that - voice 2 is only needed for staves that actually contain two vocies. Your score requires only one voice in each staff, so you should use voice 1.

To correct this error, select everything you have entered in the bottom staff (eg, click first measure, Shift+click last) then Edit / Voices / Exchange Voice 1-2. Then use View / Selection Filter to exclude voice 1 from the selection, leaving only the rests that are now in voice 2 selected, and press Delete. Then check voice 1 again in the filter.

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