Fix Issues With Score

• Mar 3, 2018 - 05:03

Please help me fix any issues with my score in order to be able to processed by Musescore.
Thank you.

Attachment Size
Sea_La_Gloria.mscz 11.74 KB


Opening in 2.1. If you press the button "Click Details" you will get a lot of the following types of messages:

Measure 1 Staff 2 incomplete. Expected: 29/8; Found: 0/1

What that means is that for some reason (possibly musescore's fault), a measure somehow does not have enough notes in it to fill that measure's total duration.

The way to fix this is usually to manually delete everything in that measure's staff, and manually put the elements back in.

Unfortunately your score has a lot of these messages, and I don't know of an automated way to fix them all.

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