Copy notes from one score to another

• Mar 23, 2018 - 20:39

I want to make an arrangement from a ready made score by selecting fragments from the original and pasting them in my new score. This doesn't seem to work by selecting a fragment, copy (or cut) it, and paste it in my arrangement (another score). I'm aiming at simple cut and paste operations across scores. Seems an obvious way to do it, but it doesn't seem to work (nothing happens when, after copying/cutting the selection, I paste, press Ctr-V, or whatever).


I've never had a problem doing that. I even have two different versions (2.1 & 2.2RC) of MuseScore and can copy from one version to another. Ctrl+c then Ctrl+v

Should work fine if you are truly selecting a region - a blue rectangle should appear around the selection. Then Ctrl+C to copy, click the tab for the other score, click the destination measure, Ctrl+V to paste. Won't necessarily work to copy individual symbols - has to be an actual region with a rectangle. Basically, if you can copy it within a single score, you can copy across scores.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I'm not just a newbie, I'm a STUPID newbie. I have been inputting a Barbershop piece into MuseScore 2.1. I have four separate scores each containing one of the parts. I am trying to use copy/paste to combine all four parts into a new, fifth score. I've successfully copy/pasted three of the parts (tenor, lead, baritone), but when I attempt to copy/paste the bass part, the program overwrites the baritone notes, leaving only the bass notes. This is frustrating because copy/paste worked fine for 3 out of the four parts. Anything obvious that I might be missing?

In reply to by Jim Werkheiser

If you explain the layout of the new score it would help us to understand the problem. Using the same technique to copy the lead (2nd part) should work for the bass. If this is not the case then you are not using something like the STAB closed score you see in the Templates when you create a new score.

In reply to by Jim Werkheiser

I guess the "obvious" thing here is that you are doing this exactly backwards. Hopefully the above advice helps you straighten out this particular score (and if not, indeed, please attach it so we can assist better). But in the future, don't enter the parts then try to manually combine them with copy & paste. Instead, enter them directly into the same score, then MuseScore can automatically extract the parts via File / Parts.

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