Incorrectly selects part of next measure when selecting range from element of a system, holding shift, and selecting earlier element,

• Apr 3, 2018 - 02:34

Start with selecting final element of a system, in this case the final whole rest:


Then hold shift and click earlier element, in this case the previous whole rest:


Notice there is a problem with this selection, because somehow part of the subsequent measure is selected.

I've determined that is not simply a visual glitch, because if I were then to then press ctrl->delete, then that subsequent measure gets deleted too!

musescore-after-pressing-delete-that-subsequent-measure is-deleted.png

I don't think it matters what type of element is being selected...just that you start from the end of the selection with the last element in a system and then end the selection with an earlier element.


Funny thing if I select just at an an end of a measure and not end of a system:

Screenshot at 2018-04-02 21-44-59.png

Then the box still looks like it is indicating a problematic selection because the blue line goes right through the notehead of the next note.

I have a theory that it is selecting a generated element around the barline like a generated clef in the next system or in this case the barline itself.

So my theory that it is selecting the barline or other subsequent generated elements looks like might be what is happening, because if I were to select the final quarter rest in the first system and hold shift and click on the previous quarter note, then the resulting selection box incorrectly includes the next start repeat:


Alternatively, if I didn't have the repeat in the same example, if I do the same operation, the resulting selection box appears as if the selection ends with the subsequent generated clef at the start of the next system:


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