Creating parts erases file entirely?

• May 4, 2018 - 13:34

Hello everyone,
I've been working on a musical, and have run into a serious problem. I will first write all the parts on a score, then use the 'parts' function to create individual parts for the players. Unfortunately, after creating the parts, the next time I exit musescore the entire score completely vanishes. The file is nowhere to be seen, not even the 'recently opened' section. This has happened twice now- two times I've had to write the opening number. Does anyone know what could be causing this?


Generating (linked) parts won't overwrite anything, they just show as separate tabs of the main score.
Exporting parts though may overwrite existing files (and warns about it) but still won't erase anything.
Same for 'Save as" when a part tab is active.

Perhaps a step by step explanation of what you are doing could help us understand. Once the score is finished, what do you do?

In reply to by mike320

  1. I write the full score, with all the parts on one document.
  2. Once it's mostly finished, and only a few minor tweaks are needed, I save the document.
  3. Once saved, I go to 'Parts' and 'New All' to make a part for every instrument.
  4. I delete the Violins 1 and 2 part, and then make a new part with both of the violin instruments titled 'Violins.'
  5. Once finished, I go through each part and edit them so that no text overlaps and everything is formatted properly.
    This is where things get a little different. The first time I did it, before it deleted, I created the parts, started to work on step 5 for the Reed 1 part, but then went to bed because it was 11:30. I saved and quit, but the next day everything was gone.
    The second time around, after having to rewrite the entire piece from it's first random deletion, I started work on the Reed 1 part. About halfway through it, I noticed how slow musescore had become. It took seconds for it to register things. So, I stopped, saved the file, and then exited to reboot musescore. When I went on again, the file was again deleted. All I have now is a .temp file, which is only there because I keep all my scores on the cloud and was able to access it via my cell phone.

In reply to by David Caldarella

Large scores indeed to tend to become slow in editing, and when they have linked parts they become even slower.

And with 'deleted' you meant the file is gone completely? Or just full or zeros? No eroor message on the attempts to save?
Are you directly store in the cloud? Which cloud service? Maybe it grabs the file too quickly to 'sync up'?

In reply to by David Caldarella

Step 3. Once saved, I go to 'Parts' and 'New All' to make a part for every instrument.
OK... On the MuseScore screen, each part now shows with its own tab.

Step 4. I delete the Violins 1 and 2 part, and then make a new part with both of the violin instruments titled 'Violins.'
As I understand:
You delete 2 violins and create a single staff using 2 voices - one voice per violin.

How exactly (actions performed) do you do this? Copy/paste? Any saves during this process?


In reply to by David Caldarella

I don't suppose you at some point during step 5 made the mistake of doing a "save as" while viewing a part, and then gave the result the same name as the score? That would indeed overwrite the score, but even then, you'd still have that part.

So I'm guessing your score was simply saved somewhere other than the folder you expected. Was there ever a crash while working on this score? if so, and you choose "restore last session", and you are using an older version of MuseScore (pre-2.2), then it would save the restored session somewhere other than where you were originally working, and you'll have to go search for that now - the actual location varies depending on your OS, how you started started, your user permissions on your system, and other variables.

The ".temp" file seems to indicate MuseScore still in the middle of saving when you closed it.

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