3.0 Slur entry has changed

• Sep 25, 2018 - 02:16

In versions 2.x, if you had a measure with rests at one end or the other and wanted all of the notes in the measure to be slurred, you could select the entire measure, press S and the slur would be applied to the notes. In 3.0 selecting the same measure and pressing S applies the slur to the entire measure starting, or ending, on the slur. This is not an improvement.


The code in question has been completely rewritten for version 3.0, but there is a very easy way to bring back the behavior of 2.x. Simply changing isChordRest to isChord here and here will do the trick. This will not affect the behavior of Shift+right arrow or Shift+left arrow when the slur is in edit mode, so slurs can still begin or end on a rest if need be, just like in 2.x.

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