Beams - skip over notes
In Bach's Six Suites for Cello, edited by Markevich, Suite I, Prelude, measures 33-36, the beams skip over notes so a beam is connected from G to A below the staff and then A to A above the staff skipping over the A connected to the beam below the staff. The notes in order are G AAA so the beam below connects the first note to the third note and the beam above connects the second note to the fourth note.
How do I do that?
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Prelude - Bach.mscz | 36.48 KB |
In reply to See… by Jojo-Schmitz
Thanks for your comment. I couldn't get it to work over a note. It does work over a rest.
In reply to Thanks for your comment. I… by Lois Phillips
It sure does, if that note is in a different voice
In reply to It sure does, I've used it… by Jojo-Schmitz
Yes, that is the part I didn't get - that the note has to be in a different voice.
Now I get it. Thanks for helping me get this!
I'm not entirely following what you mean, but your description of beams above and below suggests maybe you are needing to use multiple voices? With one voice having the first & third notes, the other having the second and fourth? Add the notes with intervening rests first, then select the rests and apply the "Beam middle" from the Beam Properties palette.
Click below for my Quick Answer on how to enter multiple voices:
Enter Multiple Voices
In reply to I'm not entirely following… by Marc Sabatella
Yes! This does work. Thanks so much!