Toms in percussion line not playing back

• Dec 1, 2018 - 19:18

Hello! I am trying to add a percussion line to a project I'm working on. The violin is playing back, but not the toms in the percussion part that play at the same time. Is there a way to fix this? Thank you!


For playback issues it's best to attach your score, or a snippet of it, which displays the problem.
This way we can hear (or not) it too.

Otherwise, we guess back and forth.
My guess:
Do you have the violin soloed in the mixer... so that the percussion is silent?

Another guess - you are using a custom soundfont that simply isn't compatible with MuseScore, or a custom isntruments.xml file or custom template that was designed for a different version of MuseScore than you are currently using. If you have everything at the default settings and create your score completely within MuseScore (don't try important from some other source), everything should work perfectly. Be sure to have the current version - 2.3.2 (or beta version of 3.0 if you are feeling brave).

If you continue to have problems, then indeed, attach your score, tell us what versio of MsueScore you are using, and tell us anything else relevant about how you went about creating this score (eg, did you start by downloading something then modifying it?)

In reply to by TrumpetNH

What actual instrument did you add to create the percussion 2 staff? Looks like maybe you added the "percussion" instrument but then edited the drumset definition for it? Or maybe you added a different instrument, then entered notes, then changed the instrument? Neither of those would be recommended and could lead to this happening. In any case, I can definitely see that your drumset definition does not match what it should be for the Percussion instrument, it's not really even close. Try adding a new Percussion instrument from Edit / Instruments and then going into note input to see how different it is.

Understanding how your staff got the way it is would be useful. Can you describe in more detail how you actually got to this point with that staff?

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