Entering blocks of text

• Dec 13, 2018 - 21:50

After setting lyrics under the notes I need to enter several verses at the bottom of the page. For this I would normally use a text box which I can position anywhere and then type away. It doesn't seem MuseScore offers this facility or am I missing something?


Setting verse text after the music is a bit complicated, but it certainly can be done.

See the attached example, where the score uses two vertical frames each with two horizontal frames (one horizontal frame is about 50% of the width, the other about 95%). This layout means that you can easily select either the vertical frame, or the left horizontal frame or the right horizontal frame.

Then you can use "Add Text" for each horizontal frame, and use the "Horizontal offset" property of the Text to position the text into the right-hand column. Using several separate frames also allows you to set font size or font colour differently for each verse. In this example, grey text means "don't sing this verse".


Attachment Size
C18_Shepherds_Rejoice.mscz 23.86 KB

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