Lines under lyrics over entire bar -- not underline.

• Feb 4, 2019 - 13:49


I'm relatively new to MuseScore, currently using MuseScore 3.0.0. (musescore-git under Arch Linux). I'm arranging music for the anglo concertina in a commonly-used notation and tablature format.

One aspect of the tablature is to show which button to press on the right and left hands. The right hand buttons are listed above the score and the left are listed below the score. I've successfully managed to get this working by using multiple verses and voices to allow 'lyrics' above and below.

The remaining issue is that I need to indicate whether to push or pull the bellows. This is typically notated with a line above or below the button numbers to indicate that a note should be 'pulled' and not 'pushed'. The example score sheet attached gives some examples: the first two notes in each of the second, third, and fourth bars are played by pulling the bellows.

I'm currently approximating this in MuseScore by underlining the relevant notes. I was wondering, though, if there was a way to get the bar to run across multiple notes without a break, as in the attached score. I was looking at melisma to approximate it, but I can't quite see how to make that work in this case.

Is this possible? Is there an alternative approach that I could use?

Attachment Size
post-557-0-21386200-1437110192.jpg 109.38 KB


I should add that, after writing the above, I've realised that I can get close by putting a full-stop as the first lyric, then using melisma over the remaining notes. I'm now wondering if there was a way to get a 'pseudo-melisma' without needing a visible character at the beginning.

You can use the solid line from the lines palette. I would remove the check from "Allow diagonal" for your purposes to prevent accidentally turning the line.

In reply to by mike320

Ah, thanks. I found this just after posting my comment.

Just wondering -- is there a way to make a new default style/location for these lines? Doing it in one bar and setting the appropriate Y position isn't too bad. Over an entire score, that's going to be very time consuming, though.

In reply to by tealeaf_green

As a follow-up: each of the line styles that are just plain lines seem to start at a given note and then span to the end of the bar. Quite often I will want them to span an arbitrary number of notes. I don't mind breaks at the bars, but I really need to be able to have a line above just the, say, second note of the bar and not continuing to the end.

Is there a way to set a start and end note for these lines? I can't see one.

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