I need information about "synthesizer" and "sound fonts"

• Feb 26, 2019 - 17:14

I'm a newbie.
When I choose the audio source "synthesizer", which will be needed for my application, I get no sound. Seems to have something to do with "sound fonts".
Can you get me started on this?


In reply to by aheezen

Note: In case of interference with other programs, esp. on Windows, go into your soundcard configuration from Control Panel...
Did you check the settings in the I/O tab of Preferences?

  • Please include as much of the following information as you know and limit each issue to one report:

    • Version/revision of MuseScore you are using (e.g. version 3.0, revision 871c8ce). Check HelpAbout... (Mac: MuseScoreAbout MuseScore...).
    • Operating system being used (e.g. Windows 7, macOS 10.12 or Ubuntu 14.04)

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