Dowload 3.0.3 fails - windows 10
Tried downloading several times.
Downloads to desktop but will not open. Cursor shows working in background but after 2 or three minutes of no progress I double click and click on 'close program'.
I then try opening from desktop shortcut, same problem.
On one ocasion I managed to open it through opening a copy score in a holding folder, the 'new score' window came up, I closed that to open a score I was working on but
it crashed back to desktop screen.
I must havet ried downloading at least 8 times now.
I have tried to download older versions - no good! it always wants to load 3.0.3.
Any help much appreciated as I am now without my Musescore!
Please keep it simple though, I am not very tech proficient!
Thanks, Gunnerpancho
3.0.3 is obsolete meanhwile, 3.0.4 just got released
In reply to 3.0.3 is obsolete meanhwile,… by Jojo-Schmitz
i've tried downloading allsorts of versions just to get a working copy but they all end up as 3.0.3 on the download.
I have even tried the windows store app. which is listed as Musescore 2 and that does the same - 3.0.3 and doesn't actually launch.
Hi there, it's James T here. Did you manage to get 3.0.4 working in the end?
In reply to Hi there, it's James T here… by TheOtherJThistle
Thanks James, yes, I'm up and running but it takes 2.5 minutes to launch! Seems a tad excessive!
In reply to Thanks James, yes, I'm up… by gunnerpancho
Glad you got it working! Does it take that long every time you start it? Because if it does, that shouldn't be happening...
In reply to Glad you got it working!… by TheOtherJThistle
Hi! James
Yep! Launch from Windows Start Menu = 3:10! - from Shortcut Icon = 2:10 - from r/click on shortcut and click 'open' = 2.10 and from a separate desktop folder, in which I keep copies of scores etc. 2:5.
I just tried it last night after receiving your e mail. I'll try again later and if it's a better result I'll let you know.
Thanks for your help.
In reply to Hi! James Yep! Launch from… by gunnerpancho
Try a revert to factory settings
In reply to Hi! James Yep! Launch from… by gunnerpancho
Hi, I'd second Joachims suggestion, try a reset to factory settings. You won't lose any scores or work you've done:
In reply to Hi, I'd second Joachims… by TheOtherJThistle
Thanks techy guys! That worked a treat!