Adjust the length of multi-measure rests

• Apr 28, 2019 - 02:25

So I was wondering how MuseScore 2/3 could adjut the length of the multi-measure rests? Can someone “show me de wae” (reference photo below)


Put a system break before the multi measure rest, then on the last measure of the multi-measure rest. Make sure you don't see multi-measure rests, press m if necessary, and right click the measure where you want to start the new multi measure rest, choose Measure properties and click "Break multi-measure rest" and you will have exactly two multi measure rests on the system.

In reply to by MatteuSan

Take a look at Format->Style... There are options under score that allow a few adjustments to multi measure rests. the } and { buttons for adding and removing stretch for rests don't work as well as they should, but they will be improved in version 3.1.

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