BUG: clefs not applying to future measures

• May 30, 2019 - 17:03

Measures 48-52 of attached file, I had to manually apply a clef to each measure, or else it would revert to the "default". It's difficult to explain; you'll need to mess around with it to see what's happening. (No response necessary.)

Attachment Size
Skyrim - Ancient_Stones.mscz 30.13 KB
2019-05-30_11-58-14.jpg 73.14 KB


A response is necessary for us to understand what's happening.

Looking at the internal score, it looks like you somehow applied a percussion staff to the left hand in the affected measures? MuseScore knows you can't do that, so it doesn't display them. Do you remember what you did? Was this score imported from somewhere? The score properties doesn't report a different source for the score besides manual entry.

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