Making multiple staves invisible in more than one measure at once?

• Jun 4, 2019 - 15:00

Hello fellow Musescorers,
In an orchestral score, I need to make several staves invisible (not just hiding empty staves), say from staff 4 to 10 across a given number of measures. The way I'm currently going about it is clicking on ¨measure properties¨, then I uncheck the ¨visible¨ box in the staves I want to make invisible. The problem with this method is that it's time-consuming as I have to do this in each measure of the score. Is there a way by which I can make several staves invisible in a given number of measures at once?
Attached goes a screenshot.
Thanks in advance to whoever can help me.

Attachment Size
invisible staves Musescore.jpg 147.19 KB


In reply to by LucilaBl

Hmm, it's not totally clear formt he screenshot why you are trying to do this - are the invisible measures empty, or do they contain notes you want to har but not see? If they are empty, and you generally want empty measure invisible, that's easy - right click, Staff Properties, Cutaway.

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