Chord Font Size...How do I Increase their size.
Loaded Lead Sheet. Chord Font Size...How do I Increase their size.
Thank you. Graham.
Loaded Lead Sheet. Chord Font Size...How do I Increase their size.
Thank you. Graham.
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Click any chord, go to the Inspector (see View menu if you've closed it). Increase the font size, then hit the "Set as style" button if you want all chord symbols similarly affected.
Same process for changing size of other text types.
In reply to Click any chord, go to the… by Marc Sabatella
Marc. sorted. I do have to hold down Ctrl and select every chord sample.
I may be missing something...There is an option to select chord type but not all chords on the sheet.
Your help appreciated. Graham.
In reply to Marc. sorted… by grahamwcrosby1
You don't have to select them all. As i said, just do one, then press the "Set as style" button (labeled "S") and it automatically applies to present and future chord symbols.
But for the record, to select ask current elements of a given to type, right-click then Select / All Similar Elements.
In reply to Click any chord, go to the… by Marc Sabatella
I am in MuseScore 4. I right-clicked a chord symbol and chose Style from the dropdown menu. This displayed a huge dialog box with "Chord Symbols" selected from a huge list on the left, and a bunch of options on the right. I figured out what the "Root" and "Extension" and "Modifier" are. I see tons of options to change relative font sizes (like "Extension Scaling") but I see nothing relating to the Root font size. How do I change the font size of all components (including the Root) in all chord symbols (in a particular score) in MuseScore 4.4.4?
In reply to I am in MuseScore 4. I right… by DaveZiffer
Format > Style > Text styles > Chord symbols
In reply to Format > Style > Text styles… by Jojo-Schmitz
As I described in my original statement, this dialog box has no place to set the font size of chord symbols.
In reply to As I described in my… by DaveZiffer
It sure has. This is not the dialoge you mentioned in your post
In reply to I am in MuseScore 4. I right… by DaveZiffer
Well I figured this out myself, though I'm not sure I could describe a systematic way to do it that would work every time. First, I made the Properties panel visible by selecting View->Properties. Then I left-clicked on one particular chord symbol. I was thrilled to see a set of panes appear in the Properties panel, one of which was "Chord Symbol" and another of which was "Text". Under "Text" was a selector for font Style and Size, where I changed the font size. Upon clicking the unlabeled ellipsis to the right of the Size & Style selectors, a two-member list appears. After changing the font size, the second item ("Save as default style for this score") was enabled and I selected it, after which all chord symbols adopted the new size. I've detailed this five-step process in the attached image.
I find it a bit disturbing that doing something as simple as changing chord symbol font size is so non-intuitive that I'd have to write a detailed set of instructions on how to do it, and that I'd have to warn people away from doing what I thought was the most intuitive thing (right-clicking the symbol and selecting Style). The thing that made me gravitate toward MuseScore (and away from proprietary nightmares like Dorico and Sibelius) was its apparent simplicity, back in the days of version 3. It seems that MuseScore is becoming more unusable like these others. It took me well over an hour experimenting, then writing about it, then sleeping on it (not counting the sleeping time here) and then revisiting it the next day just to figure out how to do this simple thing. I'm worried for the future of this product.
In reply to Well I figured this out… by DaveZiffer
You clicked the wrong section of the Style dialog. You don’t want the main chord symbols section - that’s for setting unique to chord symbols. Font settings for all text elements are collected under “Text styles”.
But even without that, it’s not the least bit complicated to change from the Properties panel. Just select one chord symbol, change its size in Properties, then click “set as default style for this score” in the “…” menu. Takes but a few seconds, as does the Style dialog. Multiple fast ways to get the job done, but sure, you might need to read the Handbook or ask for hep the first time.
I'd like to adjust chord symbol font size in MuseScore4.
Has the "Inspector" changed names (or location) in MuseScore4?
I can't find it in the "View" menu as described, (or through the "help" menu "search" box either).
In reply to I'd like to adjust chord… by michael_wilke
Yes, it is now called Properties
In reply to I'd like to adjust chord… by michael_wilke
And located by default in the left sidebar