Vers - Revision e26f7c4 crashing when trying to open either of two files
Lots of work in two files and the app crashes when we try to open either. All other files we had saved open just fine. Very frustrated! Help!
Lots of work in two files and the app crashes when we try to open either. All other files we had saved open just fine. Very frustrated! Help!
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If you attach the scores, people will look at them and see if they can open and fix them. In the meantime, look for backups with hints from
In reply to If you attach the scores,… by mike320
We found the backup files and that brought us great relief... thank you, Mike!
Thank you for your suggestion.
In reply to Thank you for your… by mycology
Good new, the files are causing MuseScore 3.1 release version to crash but the scores are in tact. This means some one will be able to open them in a debug mode, find the lines that cause the crashes and fix them.