Instruments.xml editor?

• Nov 5, 2010 - 09:12


Is there any plan to add an editor for the instruments.xml file? Recurrently, issues, requests, etc. pop up which require a customization of this file, but this operation is not particularly user-friendly at the moment. (An editor could also perform more checks, more consistently and more throughout-ly, presumably reducing support requests).

Also, the program as shipped looks for the file in the compiled resources, while an external copy is present in the templates folder. Would it not be better to set the program to initially look for the external copy?




Wow no answer to this. To me this makes so much sense. I think I'll have a buddy try to write an XML editor for this. I am trying to tab out Lapsteel and there's just hundreds of different tunings. So managing the instruments.xml file is tough. Let me know if there's any interest in this.

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