Won't start after from toolbar or space bar.

• Jul 1, 2019 - 22:47

Tried program reload with no change.


Not sure what "space bar" refers to, but what OS? How about if you start by double-clicking a file in your favorite file browser (eg, Windows Exporler, macOS Finder, etc)? Also try following the instructions in the Handbook under "Revert to factory settings", but also try using the "-s" option to see if it is audio related.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Did the "Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device" in the Advanced tab of both Playback and Recording is unticked." Then rebooted my Lenovo laptop running Windows 10 and the problem went away. Thought it was the MuseScore 3 update, but it was my computer. During troubleshooting noticed that another audio file would not start either. That narrowed it down. Thanks for the guidance and quick response.

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