Lost sound for MDL battery
I recently downloaded MDL and changed the normal battery instruments in one of my scores to the MDL lines through the "Staff Properties" section. When I saved and closed the program and got back on the next morning, I had lost the sound of the battery instruments. When I click on individual notes, they don't produce any sound. I'm using the Mac version, if that matters.
My first guess is that you did not click the "Set as default" button in the synthesizer to keep the MDL drum sounds loaded in the synthesizer after closing and opening MuseScore. I don't use MDL, so I would be surprised if this didn't happen automatically.
In reply to My first guess is that you… by mike320
It should be the default; you aren't supposed to need to do anything special.
It generally doesn't work to change a non-MDL instrument to an MDL one - there are different sounds/notes defined. I would expect to need to change the pitches of a bunch of existing notes to the MDL equivalents, or else just re-enter the notes.
If you have done this and it still doesn't work, please attach your score so we can understand and assist better. But also, do go to View / Synthesizer / Zerberus and be sure the MDL soundfonts are still loaded (they might not be if there was a crash at an inopportune moment, I guess).
In reply to It generally doesn't work to… by Marc Sabatella
It could also be that the user pressed Load from score in the synthesizer or edited the synthesizer list and then pressed set as default. In any case, the problem is most likely to be that the MDL sounds are not in the zerberus tab in the correct order.
In reply to It generally doesn't work to… by Marc Sabatella
Okay so I added the sounds back in through the Zerberus but now every battery instrument sounds like a snare. I attached the score.
In reply to Okay so I added the sounds… by DerekHg
Probably you didn't get them in the right order. Needs to be the same as they were before they were deleted, presumably alphabetical.