Silence signs position overlaps with notes from other voice in the same staff

• Oct 4, 2019 - 00:01

Hi, gang!!!

I'm using the last available MuseScore version with Ubuntu Studio 18.04.3 and 19.04 (64 bits Linux).

I don't know if this issue is related with the Operating System we use, or not, but...

We still have some overlapping issues between notes and silence signs in the staves, when we use more than one voice in the staff.

I'll hope for a soon fixing!!!

Blessings and Greetings from Chile!!!



I assume you mean, rests in one voice and notes in the other? It is true there is no collision avoidance for this. It's something we'd love to add someday, but there are no immediate plans to look at that.

In reply to by jotape1960

It's important, but so far automatic placement hasn't actually affected position of notes or rests, so that would add a new level of complexity to that code. So no doubt it will happen someday, but it's a more significant change in some ways than some of the other things automatic placement does. Meanwhile, it's easy enough to move the rests manually when necessary.

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