Playing of one voice on system with two voices.I went to File and parts and created the 4 different voices, then selected tenor. I went to mixer
Good afternoon, I ran into a problem, I wanted to play only one of the voices on the same system. I went to
Sorry, I made a wrong move and the message took off. I'll continue.
I went to mixer and on Mute voix unabled voice 2 . So only voice should play, this went well unto measure 3 there are the same notes for both voice, after these notes both voices continued playing. At measure 17 things got even worse, one note continued playing all the time. I hope I made myself clear. I know it is not very often that a situation like the one described happens, but it is a handicap. Is this a known problem? Thanks goudse
In reply to Sorry, I made a wrong move… by goudse
I believe what you are describing is #282165: Mute voice produces note that doesn't stop when overlap present, which has bee fixed for version 3.3. If you like, you can test it in the 3.3 Release candidate. In my testing your score seems to play properly in 3.3.
In reply to I believe what you are… by mike320
Good morning and thanks mike 320, I installed version 3.3 and the problem was solved.