Hello! How can I fix that this line, which splitt the text, to be in one height with text?
Hello! How can I fix that this line, which splitt the text, to be in one height with text?
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Could you please attache the corresponding score?
In reply to Could you please attache the… by kuwitt
In reply to https://musescore.com/user… by ingagrivina
Why ever I can't open this score in this link with MuseScore (got a message "this score is unvailable"). Could you please attache the corresponding mscz file with your reply under "file attachments"?
In reply to Why ever I can't open this… by kuwitt
In reply to https://musescore.com/user… by ingagrivina
You're still using MuseSCore 2.3.2, don't you? Go inside the menu style->text... under "lyrics odd lines" and "lyrics even lines" and select under vertical alignment the button "align baseline of text to reference point".
In reply to You're still using MuseSCore… by kuwitt
Above adjust the "lyrics top margin" under style->general...->page