Hymnal notation, how do you enter two 1/8 notes and one quarter note on the same beat

• Oct 31, 2019 - 15:55

If the soprano part has two 1/8 notes and the alto part has a quarter note on the same beat in an SATB closed score, like a hymnal, how can I get Muse Score to allow the mixed note value?


In reply to by pahart49

A more common mistake is to put tenor in voice 3 and bass in voice 4 in the bottom staff. Don't do that. Put the higher singing voice into notation voice 1 and the lower singing voice into notation voice 2 on every staff. This automatically points the stems in the correct directions and does not create spurious rests in voice 1 that you cannot get rid of.

In reply to by [DELETED] 1831606

I didn't quote the handbook page, but it does warn users not to confuse singing voices and notation voices. Perhaps changing the terminology to singing and notation voices might help. But it doesn't do any good if the user doesn't read the handbook, which seems to be the norm for younger users.

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