Suggestion: show voice number of element in Inspector

• Nov 7, 2019 - 15:30

For users who work in 'Max Canvas' - Full Screen - no toolbars visible:
It would be great if the voice number of an element would be visible in the Inspector.
e.g. immediately to the right of the tickbox 'small'.
The default coloring scheme of the notes in some situations doesn't provide enough contrast.
Of course one can change the colors but this creates an obstacle for the interchangeability
of macro's I'm currently writing in AutHotKey for Windows.
Many of them use coloring to retrieve formerly selected objects which have lost focus by an
intervening operation as happens for instance in making alternating time signatures.
The voice number in the Inspector would be just an extra piece of information.
It would be even more fantastic if one could change the voice number in the inspector.
Doing it in the toolbar 'Note Input' shows how complex the ramifications are when one tries to preserve attached articulations, texts and so on.


Information on a note such as pitch, voice, duration and so forth is all in the status bar at the bottom of the windows screen. If you can see it, make sure it is checked in the view menu, if you still can't see it attach a screen shot and I'll tell you how to see it.

In reply to by mike320

Thank you Mike. Of course you're correct about notes. But my suggestion is primarily about the voice number of other elements as text, dynamics and so on. In these cases the statusbar shows nothing about the voice number. One step further: why not doubling all statusbar info in the Inspector?
Then the eyes can see all relevant info together.

In reply to by [DELETED] 135427

The inspector is not an informational box but rather an editing box. It does not show things that you cannot change in the inspector. For example, it does tell you which verse a lyric is in and allows you to change that. You cannot change the voice of anything in the inspector. There are other methods of telling you the voice of an item, like the different color for everything in a different voice. One thing I, and I'm sure others, do when examining a score to help others is to simply select a group of measures and we have a color coded show of what is in what voice. This is at times very useful. To extend this to your question, each item selected is color coded when selected so you already have a better visual indication of voice.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I don't really mind adding more info to the inspector, but now the inspector always takes two lines at the bottom of the screen when some things are selected and that takes away from what can be show in the score window. Perhaps it's a bug (I think I know the cause) I need to duplicate and put into the issue tracker, but I'm basically opposed to putting so much info into the status bar that it would take two lines.

In reply to by mike320

You mean the status bar takes two lines sometimes? Yes, that seems to be a bug, I've noticed it also with some text that has special characters. I don't think adding voice indiciator to text would necessarily force it to two lines, though, given we already truncate the text.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Yes. One thing we probably can't fix is that the long instrument name is always listed in the status bar when appropriate. The status bar will take the same number of lines as the long instrument name in that case. I thought that was the simple origin of the bug I've seen, but that's not it. I would be happy if only the first line of the instrument name were shown.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Then for notes at least it could be a good thing to be able to change the voice number in the inspector.
And to have attached articulations, dynamics and so on change as well.
Compare it with the situation where you exchange voices and dependent on what is selected in the selection filter attached elements will actually be lost in the voice change or be included.

In reply to by [DELETED] 135427

Since you already have a single mouse click or key combination to change voices of almost anything, I don't see a need to add voice to basically everything in the inspector. For consistency's sake you need this capability always or never. Many of the inspector views are already quite long and crowded and don't need another redundant option added. This is of course only my opinion so others may disagree. I also haven't seen too many suggestions for this being included in the inspector.

If you would like, you can still put in an official request at Set the severity to S5-Suggestion. If someone likes the idea, they can write the code for it and Anatoly-os can decide if he wants to include it.

In reply to by [DELETED] 135427

Also, the toolbar buttons already do the job for individual notes.

It's probably not obvious, but the Inspector really only deals with "properties" of an element - things you can change about it that don't affect anything else. Moving things between voices is a highly complex operation involving checking content of the destination, potentially creating a "gap" for the note, potentially either deleting an existing rest in that location or modifying the existing chord there, potentially shortening the surrounding rests, potentially giving up in case of conflict, etc. That's more appropriate for the toolbar buttons than an Inspector setting.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

The first line of my initial post was: for users who work in 'Max Canvas' - Full Screen - no toolbars visible.
The idea is to have a workflow based on the biggest real estate. Quite well possible as there are shortcuts for all the toolbar actions.
I wrote as well: Doing it (changing voices) in the toolbar 'Note Input' shows how complex the ramifications are when one tries to preserve attached articulations, texts and so on.
Especially in polyphonic writing the voice three resp. four colors have - in my eyes - little contrast in the default color scheme. In the initial post I gave the reason for not changing the default color scheme.
A statusbar showing the voice number of attached elements like articulations, dynamics etc. would be excellent. In that case: indeed, no need to clutter the inspector with redundancy.
An effective voice selector in the inspector presupposes the development of smart filtering macro's.
There will be many other feature requests of a much higher priority for many more users.
So: it's all right to ask for an enriched statusbar in the issuetracker?

In reply to by [DELETED] 135427

So: it's all right to ask for an enriched statusbar in the issuetracker?

Sure, it's more likely to happen than the inspector.

There is no good reason to not change the color scheme if it doesn't work for you. It's too easy to do. If you've got all of the toolbars turned off, that's fine. Everything on the toolbars has a shortcut and you're using them anyway. Actually a couple of toolbar items can have one assigned, but no default.

An effective voice selector in the inspector presupposes the development of smart filtering macro's.

What does this mean? If you mean you don't know the filter selector exists so you can select only items in voice 3 then read up on it at

In reply to by mike320

Marc and Mike: thanks for your responses.
I'll ask for an enriched statusbar in the issuetracker, after sleep.

About the color scheme: (to quote my initial post)
"Of course one can change the colors but this creates an obstacle for the interchangeability
of macro's I'm currently writing in AutHotKey for Windows."
All these macro's answer questions for feature requests on the forum. Many of them use coloring to retrieve formerly selected objects which have lost focus. In due time I would like to publish them on the forum. That's why - in this stage - it's wise for me not to change the default note colors.

About the filter selector: e.g. referring to
I wrote a macro to answer the question: "Would it be possible to create a tool where you could select
a measure and remove all articulations, ornaments, dynamics, etc. from said measure?"

About 'smart filtering macro's': an effective voice selector in the inspector needs to take the context into account. Otherwise it could easily be detrimental. That's why I mentioned the complexity of the ramifications in my initial post. I think I understood Marc when he wrote "Moving things between voices is a highly complex operation."

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