Playback jumps to Coda when it comes to the first volta

• Nov 8, 2019 - 04:32

When a piece I am transcribing comes to the DS al coda the playback seems to go awry. it jumps to the Segno but two measures later it encounters a volta and from there it jumps straight to the Coda. there is a To Coda further in the piece but it never reaches it. have I not set up my jumps and voltas correctly or is this a bug?
This transcription is for practice purposes only and not publicationfor obvious copyright reasons. Can anyone help?
Good on you
Annie's Pete

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I consider this a bug, but it's really a feature. You have an open volta for the second volta and musescore interprets this to mean the volta is applied all the way to the d.s. al coda. This can be manipulated to your advantage if you need to, but in your case use the closed volta 2 (which looks like the volta 1) and your playback will be correct.

As I look at this more, the repeat at the same place as the d.s. al coda has no effect because there is no start repeat for it to go to. This is actually the reason the open volta is interpreted as going to the d.s. al coda. Remove the bogus repeat or put a valid start repeat to match it and the volta will work correctly.

In reply to by jeetee

yes I understand that, but the repeatlist of the 1st volta after the S segno was at 1 and was skipped when DS Coda was playing then when I changed it to 1,3 it played during DS Coda and continued on...?? may because it was also hitting the end repeat barline also at the DS coda..???
When I remove the end repeat at the DS Coda and keep the 1Volta repeatlist at 1 ... during DS Coda ... it plays up to the ToCoda skipping only the 1 volta after the segno and finally playing the Coda to the end..... Is that what is intended..??

In reply to by muselt

For muselt's question, the crux of the issue is that play repeats was not selected, so volta 1 would never be seen on the d.s. playback. Since there was illegal notation (a repeat with no start repeat), MuseScore did what it thought was best in the situation which will probably never be what you want. Normally the repeat would have been played, then the d.s. taken.

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