How do I extend the length of a measure (not musically speaking)?
When I finished editing some music, the notes were bunched together, making the originally 4 page music one page. Unfortunately, this makes sight-reading difficult. How do I extend the length of a measure (not musically speaking)?
If you just want to change the layout of 1 or 2 bars, use Breaks and spacers in the pallet menu.
If you want to set the whole piece to a set number of bars per stave, go to Style> Edit General Style> System, and you will see a place to set the # of bars/stave.
In reply to If you by xavierjazz
Date 13 December 2019 - 8 years later. I have tried this - these options are not available as listed above. May we have updated information please. I have been through all the listed options and I am unable to find the answer.
In reply to Date 13 December 2019 - 8… by theo2243
Yes, the options have been removed, as for what reason, I don't know.
In reply to Yes, the option has been… by Howard-C
The old inflexible option to force breaks every X bars throughout the entire score regardless of pickups, voltas, or any other exceptions was indeed removed and replaced with the much more flexible Format / Add/Remove System Breaks command, that works on a selection, so you can have different formatting in different parts of your score if you want (and most real-world uses of such a feature do require this).
In reply to Date 13 December 2019 - 8… by theo2243
Guess what ? I found it. Just had to dig a little deeper.
" Control + A" selects the whole score - hit " }" to lengthen the measures. MAGIC.
In reply to Guess what ? I found it. … by theo2243
This is very different than the options you were talking about, but it works.
In reply to This is very different than… by Howard-C
@theo2243, or Format/Page Settings->Scaling...