Is it stealing to use audio recorded from musescore in my own original compositions?

• Jan 1, 2020 - 02:49

The title basically makes no sense whatsoever, so here's my conundrum. I just started composing my own music, and I compose it using musescore and then transfer it over to reaper and use VSTs for the instruments. The problem is that most free VSTs are pretty terrible and I've just been taking advantage of the built-in VSTs that musescore uses. They sound really good in my opinion.

For example, the last song I wrote has an oboe part. I can't find a good oboe VST, so I used musescore to get a WAV file of just the oboe part, using the built-in oboe sounds in musescore. Would it be considered stealing to publish my music using this specific oboe part from musescore? Sorry if this is a dumb question.

Thanks for reading


You're talking about the posted recordings of your own compositions, right? There are no restrictions on how you use the sounds if you are the composer of the music. There are no restrictions on the use of the sounds of the soundfont that MuseScore uses.

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