keyboard input stops working
Since the last two updates, something makes Musescore stop accepting input from the keyboard: selecting notes, entering pitches, moving around in the score with arrow keys, pressing the space bar to play. I can't identify what I do to make this happen, or what I have done when I have made it stop happening. Has anyone else experienced this?
This is on a Mac with 10.4.6.
I can't use Shift Left or Shift Right to move one item and switch it with the item next to it a note or a rest.) I can't find the command to do so without the quick-key either. I just upgraded to musescore 3
You mean it never accepts input at all, or just sometimes? Probably you are in Edit mode - like if you've double-clicked something. Hit Esc.
As for Shift+Left/Right, see my reply elsewhere - probably you are either not in note input mode, or the two notes don't have the same duration. This hasn't changed in years.
In reply to You mean it never accepts… by Marc Sabatella
No, I don't enter edit mode. I have two scores open in separate tabs, although they are not that long or complex. It seems to happen after I cut and paste between the two scores, and then after a short time keyboard input is restored. I can still click on stuff with the mouse, but using the arrow keys, pressing delete, or the space bar to play have no affect. (I have separate arrow keys on my keyboard.)
In reply to No, I don't enter edit mode… by azgilbertdh
The next time your keyboard stops responding, press ctrl+print screen, open paint and press ctrl+v to paste the screen into paint. (note: this is windows instructions, other operating system have something similar). You can then save the screen shot and post it here. It may give a clue as to what's happening.
In reply to The next time your keyboard… by mike320
Here it
is. This file was converted from XML, maybe that's part of the issue.
In reply to Here it [inline:musescore… by azgilbertdh
I don’t see any obvious clue. What key are you trying to press? And are you clicking somewhere first?
In reply to I don’t see any obvious clue… by Marc Sabatella
I’ve been paying attention to try to figure out what makes this occur, but so far I dont know. I can work for an hour and then the keyboard will stop working, or sometimes after just a few minutes. I had been working on scores brought into Musescore via XML, but I tried it with a native score and eventually still had the problem. What happens is that at some point pressing the space bar doesn’t stop or start playback, clicking on a note with the mouse and using the arrow keys does not move to the next note, nor does delete work to delete anything, or v to make something visible / invisible. So keyboard input stops being accepted by Musescore. Pressing ESC or clicking anywhere on the screen doesn’t help. Thanks for considering this. If I have more information, I will follow up.
In reply to I don’t see any obvious clue… by Marc Sabatella
I wonder if this is a memory or CPU issue. I've been working on a 300 bar score for small orchestra for the past few weeks thinking "my keyboard has not stopped working", but now after I've got most of the parts in it has stopped several times. If I stop working for a few minutes, the keyboard input is accepted again, otherwise I have to close and restart Musescore to continue working. I've also started noticing the past day or two a lag between inputting notes from the keyboard and their appearance in the score.