Question Regarding Breaks

• Feb 28, 2020 - 13:05

Is there a way to both retain the courtesy "measure" of the system and page breaks (that indicates the coming key/time change in the following page) and yet also have it re-display all the instrument's long names on the next page, as it does with the section break (refer to screenie)? When I do system/page break I don't get instrument names; when I do the section break don't get courtesy "measure". Tried toying with settings, combing breaks, etc. couldn't figure anything out.

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I don't think it's possible at time. Maybe worth for a feature request/suggestion inside the issue tracker to adjust courtesy inside the inspector for section breaks/key signature (disabled by default, but possible to activate it)?

I think we should add properties to the section break command to give control over all of its behaviors. And, as discussed elsewhere, add some new layout capabilities too.

In reply to by DesignLov3

Further discussion here is welcome. But there have been previous discussions as well, would be good, if you are motivated to see changes, to try to find those, read them, and summarize the suggestions here.

Other things connected to breaks I can think of off the top of my head that have been or could be suggested:

  • a way to control whether it is "filled" or not (eg, treated as last system)
  • a way to control hide empty staves behavior
  • a way to attach new score style settings in general

The only other feature requests submitted regarding breaks that I could seem to locate, was when you copy/paste music that the breaks would copy/paste with it. But that was from 2018 so perhaps that's since been implemented. I searched google "breaks feature request musescore" because I wasn't sure how to search the forum (or that particular section of it alone) through the website itself.

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