accidentals for each note

• Apr 19, 2020 - 21:03

Is there way to set style so that an accidental only applies to the note it immediately precedes, and does not carry throughout the measure? thanx --WF


That would be non-standard notation and not understood by musicians.
Just include a correcting accidental for the next note.

In reply to by jeetee

Um, it's not non-standard notation at all: much atonal and "less tonal" music (as well as Early Music) is notated so that accidentals apply only to the notes they follow, usually with a natural sign for all non-accidental notes as well.

I guess I should be a little more clear about my purposes: I realize that after I've entered the pitches, I can go back and apply accidentals to all the notes I want marked as such (even if by standard 19th c. tonal notation they'd be sharped or flatted already), in the same way we all add Cautionary Accidentals. But it would be a little easier for me to keep track if the default of each note was natural, and I raised or lowered it individually.

This will work if you have no Key Signature (ie no flats and sharps at the beginning of the stave):

Enter your notes and put in your accidentals as you go. For those notes later in the bar that you want to not have the accidental then either enter a natural sign or adjust pitch with the up or down arrow. The main thing is to get the pitches correct and just put up with all the untidy Natural signs for now.

When you are ready, right-click on one of those pesky natural signs and Select > More > Same subtype > OK and then hit V to make them all invisible.

You wrote:
accidentals apply only to the notes they follow, usually with a natural sign for all non-accidental notes as well.
and: would be a little easier for me to keep track if the default of each note was natural, and I raised or lowered it individually.



The third step above gives "a natural sign for all non-accidental notes as well".
The fourth step lets you "raise or lower notes individually" and the accidentals "apply only to the notes they follow".

The courtesy accidentals plugin can do that automatically, just download/install it (see Download / Plugins above) then run Plugins / Notes / Configure and you'll see the option for this.

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