Unusual chord entry to force a bass line the measure

• May 9, 2020 - 20:53

I am forcing the bass player to follow a bass line.
I prefer to have the chord on top of the bass rather than following a forward slash. It helps with my sight reading.
Marc Sabatella helped me figure out a work around on how to place a chord on top top of a bass if it is right on the beat over a note with a horizontal line. MuseScore placed the B right on the second beat even though there is no written note on the second beat. Other programs give you a choice of how to position the bass under a chord. Of course if the root of the chord is in the bass there is no problem.
(Vln. I) chord B is forced to align with beat #2. A# is forced to align with beat #3 done automatically by the program.
I would like to place an E7 on top of the B bass and an F#7 on top of
the A# bass. Given that you cannot add a chord above the staff unless a "note" is highlighted, (WHY?), I am unable to do anything right on the 2nd beat to accomplish what is described above as there is no note to highlight therefore it will not accept the "Ctrl K" command even though the software knows where the second beat is. Any Ideas??

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Probably the easiest way to enhance MuseScore here would be to allow you to add a second chord symbol on a beat by selecting the first and pressing Ctrl+K. That suggestion came up ion another thread recently but I don't think anyone ever submitted an official Suggestion to the issue tracker, which is the first step in getting something new implemented. So I encourage you to do that (use Support / Issue tracker above, set the severity to Suggestion and leave everything else at the default).

Vertical alignment of bass notes in slash chords is not recommend by most experts because it is too easily confused with polychord notation - A/B means just a bass not, but B vertically below the A actually means a B triad. Still, Iwe realie some people do use the polychord notation for ordinary slash chords, so someday I have no doubt we'll support that. This also could use an official Suggestion in the issue tracker.

Meanwhile, a way to create this notation even in places where there is no note or rest currently would be to use a scratch staff with nothing but quarter rests, add your chord symbols there, then copy/paste them to where you actually want them. Or copy/paste the notes to where the chord symbols are.

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