tempotext in12/ tempo

• Mar 1, 2016 - 15:53

if i add a tempotext in 12/8 tempo playback tempo is really strange:
if i put in dottet quarter = 80 playback is faster than 84, 90 is faster than 100


no it is not, but if you open the play panel while changin the tempo text i can see the strange changes in the bpm field

In reply to by wolfgan

it was an imported xml file, i deleted the old tempo text and put a new on but i still had the same problem. then i made a new file and copied the music there, that solved the problem with the tempo text, but now all the repeating signs etc are lost.

Be sure you are comparing apples to apples. When entering a number directly into the tempo text, this will be interpreted in terms of whatever is specified as the beat value within the text - eg, for 12/8, yu'd normally express the tempo in units of dotted quarters. However, when enteirng tempo values directly into the Inspector, those values are always interpreted relative to the quarter note, regardless of the time signature or the content of the tempo text.

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