Entering 12/8 tuplets as 3+3+3+3

• Mar 2, 2016 - 15:24

I'm finding this mentioned in older versions of Musescore (0.9.x), but nothing recent, so I feel like I must be doing something wrong.

By all accounts, it appears that the default for entering eighth note triplets 12/8 time is to group the eighth notes into 4 triplets.

However, when I try to do this (using Musescore 2.0.2 on OSX) I get 3 groups of 4 eighth notes.

Can anyone help me? What am I missing.

Thanks in advance.


In reply to by akinsgre

I had a section break right before the 12/8 time. Not sure if that mattered, but when I put a "end bar". on the measure right before the 12/8 then the 12/8 triplet groupings started to behave like I expected them to. So I guess I'm OK with that.. though if I had some spare time right now, I'd try to see if it was the section break that caused the problem, or the changing to 12/8 in the middle of a score.

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