Numbers with , or . not really accepted

• Mar 7, 2016 - 09:56
S5 - Suggestion

It is possible to write a number with "." or "," like 80.5 in the userdialog, but the "." or "," is ignored. The result is 805.


It's a side effect of the Qt::IntValidator I use on the field.

Do you feel a decimal value is needed as a tempo marking? I can't recall having seen those a lot in actual scores, but it shouldn't be hard at all to allow them.

I've implemented full floating point support, but the disadvantage is that it very much can clutter up the markings: tempoChanges_doubles.png
An the one hand, I'm fine with it, as the long decimal runs are from hidden markings anyway; on the other hand I'm wondering if for example up to two decimals would suffice anyway. The accuracy would be high enough for any real use scenario imo and the cluttering would still be manageable.

Any thoughts on your ends?

If I might chime in, two decimals is plenty for each tempo marking. But wasn't the original question actually about the input field?

@Zack: Yes it was, but the markings I make have 'follow text' enabled, so it makes sense that they match the tempo I set to them from the start. Otherwise the internal tempo would change if one of the markings was double clicked and exited again.

One decimal it will be then.

If you have very slow tempos, it is usefull using the score as playback. Without decimal value, one is not really remarkable, the higher one sounds unnatural.

Status (old) patch (ready to commit) fixed

Plugin Update released:

Values up to 1 decimal are allowed. Tested with decimal point '.' as separator.
As for very slow tempos: note that you can set the reference beat to slow down considerably. Setting a whole note or a 16th as reference beat has a very big impact!