provide easy url to grab latest nightly AppImage

• Mar 9, 2016 - 05:26

Currently if I go to to download the latest app image for my architecture, I have to

  1. click on package for my desired branch & architecuture
  2. click the Version marked with "latest nightly badge" (which should be topmost entry in right hand side list)
  3. click the green "Files" tab
  4. click on the link that doesn't end with .zsync

It would save time and confusion if there was just one url on the download page for each branch & architecture which always points to latest appimage.

(Don't forget that after it downloads, you have to chmod +x before executing, because linux sets downloaded files as nonexecutable for security purposes.)

Note: I realize that the AppImage update feature will hopefully be comming, but still for initial download, this would be very useful.


I don't see anything easy on bintray for this. We will need to use some call to their API.
Javascript will be hard since they don't support CORS...

A call to… will give the latest_version for the 32bit, 2.0.3 nightlies. From there we can construct a link to…

Another way would be to register a webhook and have notified when a new package is available...

In reply to by shoogle


>> You can link directly to the latest version for a particular architecture like this...

I've updated to have download links for x86 32-bit & 64-bit Linuxes, both 2.0.3 and master. I think that these AppImages are ready for regular people to use, now that I think gotten out most AppImage packaging bugs! (I removed the old linux nightly link which is outdated by several months.)

>> You can also modify the code for the Latest Version badge to do the same.

I say that markdown should be added to the

>> We can add a note to the package pages to say what the zsync files are there for.

I think if lasconic add a note to his "nightlies-linux" bintray packages README, then people who click on the readme link… will figure it out.

Once 2.0.3 is released it would be good to have a top-level helper page for AppImages, like this one for Ubuntu packages, perhaps located at /appimage or /linux. Come to think of it, it might be a good idea to split the handbook page on Installation into separate pages for Windows, Mac and Linux, and simply have the /linux top-level URL redirect to the Linux handbook page. Same could potentially be done for /windows and /mac. /de/linux would redirect to the German handbook page, etc.

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