Musescore 1.0 + Win7 = crash

• Apr 15, 2011 - 15:08

[I had reported this issued in another thread (Continuing Problems with Musescore 1.0) but after I reedited it several times a red message informed me that I had exceeded some post limit - and the post disappeared (???) ]

I installed Musescore 1.0 in my Win7 machine and experienced a crash after creating my first score from scratch, just after having added one (1) note.
I found this sequence of steps to reproduce it:

1. Create a new score from scratch, with a single Guitar instrument
2. Press "4" "C" (a C quaver -eight note- is inserted) and then "ESC"
3. Click over the eight rest (it gets blue)
4. Then click just below the quaver: vertically, in the middle of the stave (third line) ; horizontally, along the the center of the quaver ovale. A portion of the quaver note gets blue (only the "flag", the curved line).
5. Press "A" (to insert a A note)

See screenshot.

This happens both in Win7-32 an Win7-64

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Two addenda:

1. The red arrow in the above screenshot was added to mark the point where I clicked in step 4.

2. If found some other strange behaviour, not sure if it is known-intended. When you click over a quaver, it behaves as if there are three pieces (ovale, stem, flag) that can be selected on their own. If you click over the stem, for example, it gets blue, but the note itself is not selected (if you press up/down arrow, it does not move; but you cant add another note by pressing a letter, as should happen if there wasn't a note selected). Worse, if you drag the mouse after clicking on the stem (believing you have selected the note) the stem alone is move, the note gets badly dismembered - the same happens with the flag. See screenshot.

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If this helps: that the quaver flag gets selected in the step 4 is one way a found to reproduce the crash, but it doesn't seem essential. I also experienced the crash in other situations. For example, if I click a little below the note, and a rectangular blue selection appears, the same crash happens. See screenshot.

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In reply to by leonbloy

FWIW, I can reproduce the crash using Vista, so it's not Windows 7 specific at all. Seems to be related to trying to enter a note while in a mode where note entry doesn't make sense (like, having the flag selected).

EDIT: but it doesn't happen every time. It seems perhaps it has to be a freshly created score. Even just restarting MuseScore after the crash and picking up where I left off, I cannot reproduce it any more. But if I create a brand new score agin, it will crash.

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