Crazy Tall Vertical Beams on Eigth Notes - Debian Linux running on Raspberry Pi with 2.0.2 rev.3543170

• Mar 19, 2016 - 09:22

Hello! I've been experiencing a very strange bug with Musescore 2.0.2 rev. 3543170 Debian Linux.

I'm trying to setup a low profile music composition station with a Raspberry Pi 3 and a small midi keyboard. The version of Musescore in the debian stable repository is 1.3 which worked perfectly except the single note input was extremely irritating. So I installed the newest debian "stretch" version for armhf and it works great!

Except for the fact that any note with beams creates crazy tall vertical lines instead of beams. See the picture- it's a bit hard to describe. Aside from that the program works perfect, and I'd hate to have to roll back to 1.3 because of it. I've tried searching for an answer through these forums and the bug tracker, but I've got an unusual setup running so my circumstances may be unique to me. I'm a bit new to linux so it may be a library conflict but I don't have any idea where to start looking. Thanks in advance if anyone can help me fix this!

Attachment Size
2016-03-19-005642_1280x1024_scrot.png 131.01 KB


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