Custom Palettes

• Mar 23, 2016 - 16:37

Hey guys! I have some questions about the custom palettes in MuseScore.

1. I created a custom palette and deleted the "Fingering" category but soon realized I wanted it. How do I add it back on? I tried to add it by right-clicking and it gave me the option to create a custom category.

2. Is there any way to delete a palette you've created? This would be my last resort: to delete it and create a new one from scratch. But can I?

All help is appreciated.


1) Switch back to the Advanced workspace, right click the FIngering palette,Save Palette, then swithc back to your worksapce, right click soemwhere, Load Palette.

2) To delete a single palette, right click it, Delete Palette. To delete the entire worksapce, Edit / Workspaces / Delete.

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