Adding TITLE, subtitle (etc.) appends Vertical frame rather than inserting it, if score has horizontal frame at the beginning

• Mar 23, 2016 - 19:05
S4 - Minor

Nightly acf6580 on Win 7 / 2.0.2 on Win10.

Not sure if this is a bug report or feature request. Please amend as required.

Normally if you right click on an empty space and select Text > Title, this goes in a Vertical Frame at the start of the score. But if there is already a Horizontal Frame at the start of the score (as in the attached example score) the program appends the VF instead to the end of the score!

Attachment Size
title_appended.mscz 28.21 KB


I can confirm that it is fixed in current master (well, at least it works as expected)
current master is a good 2 months newer that acf6580, @geetar: please make sure to not report issues for such old nightlies ;-)