Licence selection only allows Creative Commons licences

• Mar 31, 2016 - 00:08

I’ve just uploaded but could not select the proper for the licence for this work, as, while it’s available under extremely liberal terms, it’s most certainly *not* covered by one of the less free Creative Commons licences, and it’s *not* in the Public Domain either (German law won’t allow me to voluntarily relinquish copyright, what few stake I have in this engraving).

Please allow for other Open Source / Open Data licences and/or generic “copyleft” (GPL/CC-BY-SA-style) and “copycentre” (BSD/MIT-style) Free licences.


In reply to by Thomas

CC0 is deprecated and ought to not be used for any new work. CC themselves say so, and they wanted to tackle the issue after CC 4.0 got out (which kinda is now…).

No CC licence works well for me. Either they are legally questionable in my legislation, or they’re not free enough for my purpose.

Hence, I opened this as “bug report”.

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