Shortcuts from windows to apple
I want to give my shortcuts definiton to an apple user.
On which place has the apple user to copy my shortcut.xml. I do not know the the OS of the applecomputer.
The reason for this transfer is german notenames and terms of german notevalues.
h instead of b.
The german notevalues are fractions. So for germans it is more intuitiv to use
- 1 for a whole Note
- 2 for a half
- 4 for a quater
- 8 for a eighth
- 6 for a semiquaver (1/16)
- 3 demisemiquaver (1/32)
Perhaps a suggestion to the german version. It is also useful, that child train the terms for the notes. And the love the way with a PC.
see, the file needs to go to ~/Library/Application Support/MuseScore/MuseScore2/shortcuts.xml on a Mac