Playback unpredictably starts early

• Apr 30, 2011 - 17:00

I'm experiencing a very frustrating problem with Musescore 1.0. I've searched to see if it's been reported by others and haven't found anything, but searching on Play gets so many hits that maybe I missed it.

I have a slightly long score with various repeat sections in it. Sometimes, apparently at random, when I highlight a note towards the end of the score and click the play button or hit the space key, instead of starting play at the highlighted note, the cursor goes back to one of the repeat sections (I don't know if repeat has anything to do with it) and starts playing there instead. If I stop the play and try again, it still goes to the earlier section instead starting at the highlighted note. So I have to listen to the whole score from that point on, including repeat, to get to the point I wanted to hear.

As I said, this happens only sometimes, and apparently at random -- I can't figure out what triggers it. I don't want to post the score, since it's in process and I don't want to make it public yet, but if I have to I could try to rig up an example. Meanwhile, has anyone else seen this? Thanks.


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