Articulation 'Open' (Ouvert)

• Apr 9, 2016 - 19:57

Here is yet another question for professionals:
The symbol 'Open' from the Articulations palette is round in the palette but becomes oval on the score.


The one entered from Master Palette is preferred but not having the characteristics of the default (playback and settings from Inspector). It would be desirable to make the round version available


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Grazie Jojo, it seems to me that the custom palette not allow import fonts different from Emmentaler (or maybe I am unable).
Although a workaround is always possible I would prefer WYSIWYG for palettes. Changing the font (Style / General ... / Score) influence 'Open' and 'Prall', if simultaneously present, correct the first wrong the second.


In reply to by Shoichi

WYSIWYG would be difficult, imagine having several scores open with different fonts, or score with pasrt using different fonts (is that possibel?) then the palette would need to get regenerated on every change of the active score or part. Might cost performance.
Also not all fonts contain all symbols, only Bravura is considered complete, so would need to be used as a fallback, like it is in scores, I think.

And neither of these qlyphs is wrong, just different

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