Request assistance with creating a pick up and ending measure

• Apr 12, 2016 - 03:26

I am trying to create a pick up measure with one eighth note and a last measure with notes totaling 3 and 1/8 in 4/4 time. I have tried to adjust measure properties and also selected "exclude these measures from the measure count." I would like to know how to do this. Attached are a few measures.

Thank you for your help!

Attachment Size
Pick up measure.mscz 5.14 KB


I don't know how to have a measure count with fractions of a beat. What I usually do in this situation is to make that first 1/8th rest invisible by clicking on it and pressing "V". You can do the same for the final measure.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks, Everyone.

Sorry, but I do not understand how to do what each of you has suggested, including putting in 1/8 in the actual box because I can only add whole numbers from the drop down box.

Could someone show me how to do this by making the changes to my attachment so I could then open the measure properties box and see how it is done? Thanks much to all of you.

Attachment Size
Pick up measure.mscz 5.14 KB

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