Fitting measures in

• Apr 12, 2016 - 05:57

Hey, I need help again with Musescore. I tried to fit these eight measures in two desired lines by decreasing stretch. No matter how many times I tried, it wouldn't work. It only worked for the first few times, which made perfectly fitted four measures in the same line, though. I still have one more measure to go.

I'd really appreciate if you could fix this for me and give me suggestions!

P.S. I'm still learning and there's a lot of things I don't know

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Screenshot (18).png 350.85 KB
Liszt s.141 no.6.mscz 49.02 KB


Well keep in mind there are minimum spacing parameters that are set. Even if you reduce measure stretch, the notes won't get any closer than the minimum spacing rules. Howver, you can adjust these minimums by going into Style->General->Measure and reducing them. I've adjusted some of these in attached mscz to fit those measures. However these options are global, so they affect the whole score, and so you might have to manually add some line breaks at appropriate spots elsewhere in the score to compensate for the reduced spacing.

Alternatively (or in addition), you can goto Layout->"Page Settings..."->Scaling and reduce the (sp) or spatium, but that will make *everything* smaller.

Attachment Size
Liszt s.141 no.6.mscz 51.51 KB

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